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The scope of mental health concerns among public safety personnel (PSP) cannot be fully understood without research. Research also provides a base of evidence for effective treatment and training programs. CIPSRT, in partnership with the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR), has established a consortium to fund and mobilize research for PSP groups and organizations. CIPSRT strives to be a leader in the mobilization of research supporting the mental health of PSP, their leaders, and their families.

CIPSRT’s mandate also includes establishing and maintaining a network of researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and students working in the field of PSP mental health research. By bringing together the best minds in the field and promoting the development of new experts, CIPSRT can help expand the research on PSP mental health.

Consortium teams of researchers across Canada are studying all aspects of PSP mental health. Follow the progress of this research by accessing the Current page.

If you are a researcher interested in PSP research, you can use the Publications page to explore the latest research.

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