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Knowledge for You

Research Summaries

Keywords: Mental Health, Social Support, Stress

Gender and social support coping in public safety personnel

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Keywords: Gender, Sex Differences, Sexual Harassment, Stress

“Suck it up, buttercup”: Gendered experiences in policing

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Keywords: Families, Mental Health, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Mental health impacts and priorities for Canadian career firefighters

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Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health Disorders, Stress

Impact of job-related stressors on firefighter health: A review

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Keywords: Anxiety, Fear, Health

Fear of infectious diseases: Opinions of correctional officer recruits

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Keywords: Mental Health, Training

Implementation of PSP workplace mental health interventions

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Keywords: Advanced Mental Strength and Conditioning (AMStrength), Mental Health Training

AMStrength – Correctional Officers views and interpretations

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Keywords: PSPNET

Public safety personnel insights into internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy

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Keywords: Peer Support, Psychological First Aid

Adherence to a psychological first-aid intervention in an EMS organization.

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Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Sexual Orientation, Suicide

Sexual orientation and PSP mental health difficulties

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