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Bev Arseneault


Bev Arseneault

Member of:

Public Safety Steering Committee

Province: Ontario

Affiliation: Correctional Service of Canada

Ms. Bev Arseneault is the Director, General Learning and Development for the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC).   Having observed Post Traumatic Stress symptoms within the correctional environment as far back as 1995, she has worked in many corporate and volunteer capacities to improve working conditions for her colleagues. Her efforts included organizing workshops and conferences, launching a mentorship program, and developing a peer coaching program for new employees. Currently her team is working to reshape mental health training and access for correctional staff across the organization. Throughout her correctional career, she has been actively engaged with stakeholders, including labour partners; citizens advisory committees; national associations active in criminal justice; Federal, Provincial, territorial corrections committees; and the International Community Corrections Association. She started her career with CSC in 1994 at Warkworth Institution. After which Ms. Arseneault worked in various positions across Canada at both regional and national levels, including as a Parole Officer, Policy Project Officer, Human Rights Manager, and Senior Project Analyst. In 2003, she joined the Management team as Manager of Programs at Pê Sâkâstêw Centre in the Prairie region. As an Executive, she has worked as the Director General of Community Reintegration; Director of Offender Redress; Chief of Staff to the Commissioner; Assistant Commissioner Communications and Engagement; and Associate Assistant Commissioner for Correctional Operations and Programs. Prior to working for CSC, she obtained her Masters Degree in Social Work with Distinction, from Wilfrid Laurier University.

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