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Understanding the prevalence of mental health disorders in provincial correctional officers—A national study

Keywords: Social Support, Traumatic events

Title of research

Understanding the prevalence of mental health disorders in provincial correctional officers—A national study


This study is helping to fill the knowledge gap about posttraumatic stress injuries (PTSI) in corrections officers (COs). The study conducted a first-of-its-kind survey of provincial COs in Ontario to determine the prevalence of mental health disorders like PTSI, anxiety disorders, depression, and others.

The team used an online anonymous survey made up of mental health screening tools, measures of traumatic events, and workplace stressors. The survey also asked how factors like personal strength, feelings of belonging, and support of family, friends and colleagues might help in protecting against mental health issues.

Findings from the study will be used to inform current and future policies around PTSI and mental health disorders of CO’s. The study will also act as a baseline in the creation of future policies and programs.


When to expect results

This online survey has been completed in Ontario and many other surveys are underway in several other provinces.

Research Team

Dr. Dianna Groll, associate professor of psychiatry at Queen’s University; Luc De Montigny, research consultant at McGill University; Stephane Guay, professor of psychology at Université de Montréal; Dr. Rose Ricciardelli is a professor of sociology, coordinator for criminology, and co-coordinator for police studies at Memorial University.

Final Results

Final Knowledge Translation report

Papers resulting from the research

Carleton, R.N., Ricciardelli, R., Taillieu, T., Mitchell, M.M., Andres, E., & Afifi, T. 2020. Provincial correctional service workers: The prevalence of mental disorders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2203.

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