While we have been working to support Public Safety Personnel (PSP) families, we have come to also understand the need for upstream mental health and wellbeing supports specifically tailored to the experiences of youth and children within PSP families. In fact, in our work with PSP families, we have often been asked by family members if we had anything for their kids. This question often leads to expressions of concern as to what their children and youth are experiencing, hearing, navigating, and worrying about not only in times of crises but also in their daily lives. While there are excellent resources available through programs such as Wounded Warrior Canada’s Warrior Kids, that support children and youth impacted by parental occupational stress injury, until now, there have been limited resources available for them to access as they navigate their unique circumstances. We are excited to share that some of the team members from PSPNET Families, an online wellbeing hub filled with information, resources, and strategies, are beginning work with the Warrior Kids camp Directors on a project to shape upstream supports and resources for PSP youth and children supporting what it means for PSP families to be “on the job”.
October 16, 2024.
Presented by:
If you are a spouse or significant other, parent, adult sibling, adult child, close friend, or someone who networks with families of PSP including leadership, service providers, association, non-profits, among others, we invite you to join Dr. Heidi Cramm of the Families Matter Research Group (Queen’s University), Dr. Linna Tam-Seto (University of Toronto), Dr. Helena Hawryluk (Warrior Kids), Jerris Popik (Warrior Kids), and Dr. Nathalie Reid (University of Regina) as they host a panel discussion on the experiences and needs of PSP youth and children.