Réseau de l’ARC

Alexander Simpson

Alexander Simpson

Membre de :

Réseau de l’ARC Comité consultatif du réseau d'universitaires, de chercheurs et de cliniciens (ARCNAC) et sous-comités

Téléphone : (416) 535-8501

Adresse courriel Sandy.Simpson@camh.ca

Province : Ontario

Affiliation : The Centre for Addiction & Mental Health (Toronto)

Institution: Carleton University

Languages: English (fluent spoken), English (fluent written)

Dr. Alexander Simpson holds the Chair in Forensic Psychiatry at CAMH and University of Toronto. He is a full Professor in the Division of Forensic Psychiatry of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto and is Senior Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.


Projets en cours

  • Delivering online cognitive behavioural therapy iCBT to address mental health challenges in correctional officers and other public safety personnel

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